A list of additional resources for the class can be found here, organized by topic.
Greek and Latin Roots and Wordbuilding
- Bioscientific Terminology. Donald M. Ayers, University of Arizona Press, 1972.
- Latin and Greek roots and affixes | Khan Academy
- Latin and Greek Root Words - English Language and Vocabulary Development (podcast by Innovative Literacy)
- Wikipedia’s List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in synthetic names
Greek and Roman Culture and History
- Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks. Robert Garland, Greenwood Press, 2014
- Daily Life in the Roman City: Rome, Pompeii, Ostia. Gregory S. Aldrete, University of Oklahoma Press, 2009
- Ad Infinitum: A Biography of Latin. Nicholas Ostler, Walker Books, 2008
General Scientific History
- Scientifica Historica: How the World’s Great Science Books Chart the History of Knowledge. Brian Clegg, Ivy Press, 2019.
- The Swerve: How the World Became Modern. Stephen Greenblatt, W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
Taxonomy and Classification
- What Linnaeus Saw: A Scientist’s Quest to Name Every Living Thing. Karen Magnuson Beil, W. W. Norton & Company, 2019.
- Naming Nature: The Clash Between Instinct and Science. Carol Kaesuk Yoon, W. W. Norton & Company, 2009.
- The Man Who Organized Nature: The Life of Linnaeus. Gunnar Broberg, tr. Anna Paterson, Princeton University Press, 2023.
- Every Living Thing: The Great and Deadly Race to Know All Life. Jason Roberts, Random House, 2024.
- How Do We Categorize Plants? - Crash Course Botany
- Taxonomy: Life’s Filing System - Crash Course Biology
Roman Numerals
- Numbers in Latin, by LatinTutorial (Note that this video talks about the Latin language in more depth as well)
Chemical Names, Elements, and Compounds
- Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe. Theodore Gray, Nick Mann, Black Dog & Leventhal, 2009.
- Molecules: The Elements and the Architecture of Everything. Theodore Gray, Nick Mann, Black Dog & Leventhal 2014.
- Elemental: How the Periodic Table Can Now Explain (Nearly) Everything. Tim James, Abrams Press, 2019.
- The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements. Sam Kean, Back Bay Books, 2010.
- The Secrets of Alchemy. Lawrence Principe, University of Chicago Press, 2012.
- Distilling Knowledge. Bruce Moran, Harvard University Press, 2005.
Math and Astronomy
- Math Through the Ages: A Gentle History for Teachers and Others. William P. Berlinghoff, Fernando Q. Gouvêa, Dover Publications, 2014.
- Euclid’s Window: The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace. Linard Mlodinow, Free Press, 2002.
- Ancient Skies: Constellation Mythology of the Greeks. David Weston Marshall, Countryman Press, 2018.
- The Astronomers’ Library: The Books that Unlocked the Mysteries of the Universe. Karen Masters, Ivy Press, 2024.
Medicine and Anatomy
- The Anatomists’ Library: The Books that Unlocked the Secrets of the Human Body. Colin Salter, Ivy Press, 2023.
- OpenMD’s Introduction to Medical Terminology